Assessments Writeup Example #4

[Thanks to DF for sharing his writeup based on his Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) results.]

After 25 years of working in the post-production industry, I am currently in the process of trying to change careers.

There has been a steady decline in the amount of work available in this industry since about 2005. This is primarily due to advances in technology which has reduced the amount of work required by people. This in turn has led to fewer jobs available.

I believe that I would like to major in computer science, but I will leave my options open to something else that might be of interest to me. I am also very interested in starting my own business in whatever field I wind up in. I like the idea of running my own business and building it into something that I could be proud of.

My Strong letters are RCI from the online assessment, and RAC from the book. I think that in doing the book exercises I like to think that I lean towards being more artistic. I also think that Artistic things appeal to me more than Investigative.

When a more thorough assessment is done, Investigative comes out ahead of Artistic. Which makes sense in that if I was to decide between going to an art museum versus going to a science museum, I would choose the science museum.

My MBTI letters were exactly the same between the book and the online assessment. This also wound up being a code that I agree with.

The career fields that appeal to me the most:

  1. Computer Systems Analyst
  2. Biomedical Engineer
  3. Computer application software engineer
  4. Aerospace engineer
  5. Engineer
  6. Computer systems software engineer
  7. Computer information systems scientist
  8. Architect
  9. Graphic designer
  10. Software developer

The college majors that appeal to me most:

  1. Computer science
  2. Engineering
  3. Business

These fields appeal to me because they all have a strong potential to provide a good income, and they are all very interesting to me. These are all fields that I think would hold my interests and make use of some of my values and character assets. I have always been interested in computers and science, and most of the fields that I have chosen have a strong correlation to both. I like challenging work, and these careers and majors seem like they would challenge me. These careers and majors also line up strongly with my MBTI and Strong assessments.

I was interested to see that Medical Science was number one on my top five interest areas. I have never really considered doing anything in the medical field, but I guess if I was to do something, it would be along the lines of medical science. I could see myself doing some sort of medical research in a lab. I do not think that doing any sort of medical work with patients would be one of my strong suits.

I was also very surprised to see that Veterinarian was ranked as my strongest occupational match in the “Investigative Scale.” I have never really been a big animal lover as far as pets go. I would think that to be a good veterinarian, you would also have to be an animal lover.

I was also surprised that Investigative finished higher than Artistic in my occupational scales. If I look at all of the occupations that are listed for each of those scales, the artistic ones are the most appealing to me.

I have been working in a job for about 20 years that has a lot of creativity involved. Most of this creativity is based on using color to influence emotions. I have also tended to love creating things and coming up with designs for stuff.

Overall, my Strong results came out with a lot of computer and engineering related fields as my top occupations.

I will incorporate these assessments into my career planning by doing more research on some of the occupations that seem like a good fit. I think that getting a degree in computer science or engineering is the right approach for me at this point. My assessments also made clear that I like to take risks, so maybe opening my own business in one of these fields would be an option. Some of the occupations listed for me require more schooling than I am willing to commit to, and can be eliminated quickly.