I recently worked with a client, a seasoned professional, who was contemplating his next move after being laid off. He was what I would describe as middle management – not…
One of the “big” assignments in my career planning and exploration course is for students to conduct an informational interview and then do a writeup based on their experience. Informational…
Maybe you did your homework, identified organizations that are strong matches, and have even been offered a job. But maybe you have been offered more than one job. What do you…
I just read this article, How to Turn Volunteering Into a Job, on US News’ career section of their website. The gist of the article is basically a couple of…
A colleague of mine had her retirement dinner and celebration last week. After quickly reviewing some dates, I realize that she started working at the college just as I was…
Congratulations to those of you who will be ending the spring term and going on to summer internships. This is an exciting time as this may be your first experience…