Practice Makes Happiness


Are you happy? If you asked me this question today, I’d say “yes.” For the past couple of years I’d say I’m a happy person.

How about before a couple of years ago? I have to admit that I was not always a happy person. In fact, life threw me many curve balls, and I sometimes wallowed in my misery.

However, at one point I was tired of being unhappy, and I started to become interested in positive psychology, also known as the study of happiness. I wrote about positive psychology briefly in last week’s post.

Several years ago, I realized that happiness depends a lot on our attitude and is to a degree a choice and can be practiced.

I couldn’t help but be reminded of how I got through the tougher times in life when I recently read an article from LiveScience, a quick read providing an overview of the sources of happiness and 5 research findings that improved happiness. The 5 findings from the article include:

  1. Being grateful
  2. Being optimistic
  3. Counting your blessings
  4. Using your strengths
  5. Committing acts of kindness

I like that the article points out that despite happiness having a genetic component and also somewhat depending on life events, happiness can be practiced and by practicing the above points, happiness can become a habit! And, looking at my own life, I’d have to agree.

Is my life perfect today? Is my career perfect? No. But by looking at the positive aspects in both my career as well as my personal life, I am much happier today. I encourage you to make happiness a habit in both your career planning and work life as well as your personal life.

Remember, happiness can be learned! You can apply the five points above to both your career life as well as your personal life.

Finally, I have to admit that I still sometimes become overwhelmed by life and forget to practice happy habits. It helps me to remind myself frequently of the importance of being positive. I do this by keeping a collection of positive quotes.

Questions to Consider:

  • Are you a happy person? If so, do you “practice” happiness?
  • What is one habit that brings you happiness?
  • What is one habit you can cultivate so that you can become happier when it comes to your (future) career?

Be well,
