Quick Take on SMART Goals

Notebook for SMART Goals

I first heard about writing SMART goals when I worked at a university career center over ten years ago.

SMART is an acronym, and each letter represents a word that can help you plan and achieve your goals.

SSpecific: What is your goal? Write down precisely what it is you want to accomplish. Be sure to include as many details as possible.

MMeasurable: How are you going to keep track of your progress while in the pursuit of your goals? Deciding on how you’re going to keep track of your progress helps to stay organized and motivated.

AAttainable: You’ll sometimes see the words “Action-Oriented” or “Adaptable” as alternatives. How important is the goal for you, and what can you do to make it achievable? Do you have the skills and tools required to reach your goal? Will you be learning new skills?

RRealistic: Does your goal match your match your overall objective?

TTime-Based: What is your target date for achieving your goal? Create a time line of smaller project deadlines along the way to attaining your goal.

At the career center, we advised students to consider the SMART concept when writing their resumes; specifically, to use SMART statements when using language to describe their past and current work experiences.

Over the years I realized that the SMART concept is versatile and can be applied widely. It provides a checklist of points to consider for a myriad of career-related goals, from the aforementioned writing an effective resume with SMART statements to choosing a major or career through SMART goal setting.