Update on Personal Branding Presentation to Colleagues

Presentation by Andy

I previously shared how I was on the agenda for a division meeting at my work to provide an overview of the career planning courses that I teach and to introduce the topic of personal branding as it relates to career planning and development.

One colleague whose opinion I particularly respect complimented me on my presentation skills, and for the rest of the week I was floating on air thanks to her positive feedback.

I know that I could have delivered the presentation better, but I’m okay with how it went based on the overall feedback. Nonetheless, I could have done better by mainly being more concise, but I have a tendency to talk too much when I’m really excited about a topic. And I’m really excited these days about personal branding and figuring out how to best incorporate more of its basic tenets into my classes!

Another cool thing from the presentation was the description in the meeting minutes that summarized my presentation. Here it is:

4.  Personal Branding/Career Classes

Andy gave us a PowerPoint presentation regarding his CRLP [Career Life Planning] classes. Fully 85% of his class is self-assessment and leadership skills. He stresses purposeful career planning. Strict deadlines work better than non-structured classes. Wants his students to look at all the angles before choosing a major. He has introduced a new concept of Personal Branding. Web 2.0 is interactive as opposed to Web 1.0. Treating yourself as a brand can enable you to see how many platforms you can present yourself proactively. Personal Brand equals Career Brand.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and personal blogging are used for branding. They are widely known and used, and mostly are free to the user. Andy is still experimenting and evolving the best ways to introduce and utilize personal branding with his classes. Certain careers need and require branding. Andy has been experimenting with his own blog as well.