Website Review: Quintessential Careers logo

I first bookmarked the Quintessential Careers website about ten years ago, when I first started in the career education field. Throughout the years, this resource has become a go-to website.


This website, located at, offers A LOT of useful career-related information through mainly articles and the recent addition of e-books. The website began with college students as its core audience but has now become a great resource for any job seeker.

My Take

With such breadth and depth of articles packed with useful career related how-tos, advice, and features, this website definitely deserves to be checked out. I wouldn’t be surprised if you ended up bookmarking the site.

QuintCareers has also been around for quite a while, and there’s something reassuring about a resource that has that track record of not only longevity but of consistently good information.

Though the layout might not be the flashiest, the wealth of great information cannot be overlooked. Besides, I bet that most folks care more about content rather than a website’s design. And it’s just not a lot of content for content’s sake, but a lot of quality content.