What is Your Career Brand?


Adding on to previous posts about the importance of protecting your online image followed by the concept of career branding, this post focuses more on the direct connection between the two concepts by directly asking:

What actually is your personal or career brand?

With the number of Twitter and Facebook users continuing to go higher, it makes sense that the chances of your personal information being seen by others will go up as well.

The importance of implementing strategies for the creation and maintenance of your own personal, professional career brand is not lost on companies and organizations either. For example, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), known internationally as one of the Big Four U.S. auditing firms has designated this week as “Personal Brand Week.”

Each day is devoted to the sharing of tips and tools to start shaping your professional brand and building your career. Note that they have an awesome section on their website devoted to career advice.

As you continue to read and reflect on the concept of personal branding, you will get to decide whether to:

  • Start your own personal brand if you don’t have one
  • Continue to learn how to best shape your career brand if you already have one
  • Ultimately choose not to create a personal or career brand at this time (or ever)

Any personal branding decisions are entirely up to you.

Action Steps

Consider the following questions:

  • How would you describe your own personal or career brand?
  • How will you continue to incorporate career branding strategies into your career planning?
  • If you have not established your personal or career brand yet, why haven’t you done so?
  • If you plan to create your personal or career brand soon, what would you like your brand to say about you?